Our understanding of current design thinking methods have been a simple inology of the method made by our peers and our understanding of technology. In our coursework of Technology and Information System (SECP1513), we are required to carry out a project based on “Design Thinking’’. To demonstrate our understanding of the subject, we initiated a fundamental approach and crafted solutions with a view to overcome the issues that we confront in our daily lives. We concluded on an application where users are able to check prices retailed by different supermarkets, compare and make the best decisions on the financial knowledge provided.


Our project is focused to overcome the user's difficulty in comparing the different prices of the same product being sold at different supermarkets. Malaysia offers a wide range of supermarket choices and each supermarket retails a different price and offers different promotions. Malaysia's retail landscape includes a diverse range of shopping venues, from massive shopping malls and department stores. With so many items at different prices, it is proven very difficult to get the best economic price.


In the Empathy phase, we conducted an interview with users and asked them questions via a questionnaire that had been prepared. Information about their shopping behaviors were collected, emphasizing on the difficulty in price comparing for supermarket goods. Analysis was made and insights were gathered in order to overcome the highlighted problems.


In the define phase, input data was analyzed during the empathy stage to help identify the challenges of user difficulty in comparing the prices. As per stated earlier, Malaysia offers a wide range of supermarket selections with each store offering different retail prices for the same product. As per the feedback analysis, we focused on the problem statement and set a clear objective for our project.


In the ideate phase, we focused on generating creative ideas synchronized with the challenger identified user needs. Through brainstorming sessions, we explored and conducted research on existing solutions, and outlining features such as a user-friendly interface, real time price update and comparison tools to ensure practicality and convenience.


My goal for this course is to be able to understand the concept of technologies and basic computer knowledge. The knowledge provided by the lecturer is helpful in many ways and allows me to be more knowledgeable and attentive toward basic computer knowledge. This project has taught me how to do such things and taught me how to do design thinking according to designing a project.